Thursday, 22 July 2010

do it & remember it

imagine how u want it to be and make it happen..

ignore what u want today and regret it later..

so treasure those that u want today and so

it will be remembered forever

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

bigger than life

there's something bigger than your imaginations..

there's something more than your requisitions..

there's everything more than being an attention seeker, it is called bigger than life!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

when the going gets tough

when life is difficult, face it..

when life is easy, cherish it..

when life is sucks, swallow it..

when life is great, enjoy it..

cause life is not predictable..

living is not forever

Sunday, 18 July 2010

its all blessed

Enjoy today for tomorrow might not come..

enjoy life for tomorrow might not be any chance..

enjoy love for tomorrow u might reminisce..

enjoy every moment for it might happen just once

Saturday, 17 July 2010

reasons to love

u can never find enough

reasons to love someone,

but love will always

find you without any reason.

she ain't heavy, she's my sister

it hurts to see her cry and it sucks to see her get hurt..

its a joy to see her smile and its a blessing to see her happy..

she is beautiful as who she is and she is graceful in everything she does..

she is my sister and she is my best friend..

Thursday, 15 July 2010

its a journey

success is a not destination, its a long winding journey..

u will get lost but u will eventually find your way out..

u will be held at a red light but later will be given a green light..

your car might broke down but u will send it off to the workshop and soon it will be alright..

u might want to stop somewhere for a rest before getting back on the road..

just like the journey , u overcome and succumb to all circumstances for whatever it takes, then keep on hoping and wishing that one day u will be right there, at the end of the road to success.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

being "human being" as i see it

be yourself even if others don't like it..

be true even if others don't get it..

just be u because God created u the way He want u to be, not what others want u to be

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

me and them

u are genuine by words u said, by way u act and by knowledge u have..

but beware of words might makes u look stupid,

actions might makes u look dumb,

knowledge might not always makes u look smart..