Yesterday was among the best day of my life. Its been a long time coming that one. All them hard works, those sleepless nights, were finally paid off. I finally complete my ACCA, and its such a big relief. Everything seems to come together when i need it the most. I have been thinking about it after the exam, that i need to pass this one, which happens to be the last one, so that i can go home with my head held up high, and makes my parents and family proud of me, and so i did just that. Alhamdulillah. I thank God for that. I remember looking at the paper, seconds after the invigilator says stop writing. This could either go my way or the high way, its not something that i proud of, and that literally makes me sick. Days before the result is out, it brings me back to those moments, remembering i MIGHT HAVE just nailed it, right on the dot, and then i was right.
I did it back to back now, but failed to pass anything while i was studying, and yet pass everything while im working, and not attending any classes at all. However i did it, it doesnt matter no more, i am just so happy and relieved that i finally get rewarded after all these years. Im coming home, and this time with what i am supposed to bring back with me when i decided to come here more than 4 years ago. Alhamdullilah. I know i am not smart like some of y'all are, but i work really hard. Maybe i dont work as hard as some people are, but i have that DETERMINATION where some people might not have it. I live with that determination day by day, i live with the support that my family gives me, and the fact that they believe i can do this. When the result is out, the first face comes to my head would be my parents. I can almost feel the excitement when i tell them the news, although its only over the phone. I am literally the proudest daughter in the world, especially yesterday. Allah is great, He listens and He listens when you asked for it, its just the matter of time when He decides to give it to you.
Oh yeah, we're still in the Olympics mood arent we? I am rooting for Malaysia all the way, badminton or cycling or diving even running, although one Malaysian girl finished last during her qualifying round with more than few seconds to spare for the winner to actually run back to the starting line, but i am a proud Malaysian. Bear in mind, with all these Olympics spirit, Baskin Robin that ever so famous ice cream parlour, is offering every Malaysian a scoop of their ice-cream if Dato' Lee Chong Wei, the Malaysian number one badminton player, wins gold. Unfortunately he did not. What happen was that, FEW of us Malaysians being typical Malaysian, rather than consoling him on the defeat, prefer to console themselves on the fact that there will be no free ice cream from Baskin Robin, boo hoo. Like seriously? Its bloody RM8 per scoop. I can understand if you're queueing for Selfridges to open on Boxing Day, as it will defo cost you hundreds of RM, but for a scoop of RM8 ice cream? Cheap-skate i say! And utmost dissapointment is that you're not even consoling the player AT ALL. I'm talking about sports in general, how Malaysians mentality will ever change? "I wanna be a badminton player one day because i will get paid loads if i were to win the championship", or "i wanna win the olympic gold medal because they promise me RM1million". The two missing WORDS in both sentences would be NUMBER ONE. Wake up and smell the coffee, that reward FIRST mentality gotta go. Reward is a motivation, and its extrinsic, which will change accordingly to the world. Yourself and your intrinsic value will get you to where you wanna be, THEN u can look into the extrinsic value. Dont need no brainer to figure it out.
Above everything else, a general statement about the issue was posted on my facebook, was wrongly interpreted by someone who deemed to be SMART enough by her ownself, by calling me STUPID. From a general statement, it became an offensive statement to one person who thinks the world only revolve around her. I know where i stand mate, i know i am not well-off and i bloody know that, but i wont be so low to admit that i cant afford one scoop of Baskin Robin ice cream JUST TO MAKE A POINT. Obviously i am NOT AN IDIOT to figure out that not everything is about me. I am not an idiot who wants all the attention in the world. Also, i am not that idiot who will be as low as you are. I normally will call people names, but this whole saga is ridiculous, and i stand for what i say regardless. You can go ahead talk behind my back, call me names, do whatever, cause unfortunately the joke is on you! I regret those favors i asked, and now i feel like i owe it to someone. But hey, my life is not even one percent less affected by all these. Aint youre supposed to be a friend? Well i am not sad, but shocked! Go ahead, hold the grunge, ive got nothing to say to you, but THINK BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING. ure smart, go figure! i wonder how u sleep at night. a good night sleep ay? And the mask is off!
Life has never been better. My heart wont break for nothing. My soul wont settle for less. As life goes on, things become obvious in their on way, your friends, your path in life, your dreams..its all written in the star. That is why as a muslim, we are oblige to believe in fate and destiny. My life has been a joyride, yesterday put me at the top of the world. Now im back to reality, things dont come easily. I am on a mission, on a job hunting mission. i need a new job. Anyone got any vacancies?
my time will it did yesterday