Thursday, 22 August 2013

Arab Spring..we're guilty as charged!

I just cannot contain myself any longer. all these innocent pictures of our dying Muslims brothers and sisters, young and old..dont we have a heart? dont we care no more? why is it happening what is happening?

i will not lie, my eyes, they're watery, my heart, silently it breaks, my fears for these innocent hopeless! small person like me, one small person like me, could not change the world. but millions more of small person like me will.

if only i can find a way to make it go away.

if only i can find a way to make it all stop.

if only i can find a way to make it all better.

No, God is not cruel for letting things like this happen. He knows what Hes doing, but we don't. Do we do anything to make it stop? Are we just gonna stand here and watch? Its our fault. We let it happen.

Because when this happen, elsewhere, people are trying to do things that are ridiculously not important. Why are they busy trying to clear the avoidable landmines in Angola? Why are they arguing about nuclear weapon that no one ever see EVER?  Why are they trying to save two stupid drug mules who we know by now, will do anything for money? This three occasions, aint KILLING NO ONE. Not even one soul. That landmine can be avoided at every cost, so dont come to me and act dumb!

How can you look at those innocent dying child's face without feeling guilty?

How can you look at those suffering men and women who have lost their family without feeling sad?

How can you look at those war without feeling angry?

I tried my best to not look at pictures posted everywhere on facebook about this cruel intention, and worst, when this was done by their own people, the "American's puppets"! Money and power take over sense of humanity, among their own brothers and sisters. 

Americans are smiling. Leaders that were supposed to protect them, turned their back on them. 

If I know what to do, then I will, but I dont. 
I am sorry I have let you down.
But no prayers are stronger than those to Allah swt.
That is all I have. 

I pray to God to protect those innocent souls.
I pray to God to make it stop.

I pray to God that we will all wake up and smell the coffee, for this is not about those Arabs, but this is about humanity.
If theres nothing else that we can do, we can always pray and Allah SWT will listen.
Just believe He'll listen, and believe that He knows what He's doing.


Surah Ar Rum (30:5) In the victory of Allah . He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.




Thursday, 1 August 2013

you're so Asian..

*drum rolls*

1. No matter where you go in any part of the world, you'll end up on a look out for Asian food instead of trying the local food.

2. You're enjoying your bubble tea when everyone else is drinking Starbucks. So Asian.

3. You HAVE to at least have one of those LV or Gucci handbags. its a MUST! its like a competition really. the more monochrome the better. boohoo

4. You love outlets..admit it you do! more than 50% of shoppers at shopping outlets are Asians. FACT!

5. Done with the shopping bit, you'll then queue up hours and hours to claim the VAT.

6. You or your mom will pack every single RARE raw foods in your bag when travelling out of your country i.e. belacan (shrimp paste)

7. No matter which type of Asians you are, people will still come up to you and say "ni hao", and you'll either confusingly reply "huh?" or "i am not chinese" or "fuck off". choose! LOL

8. You tend to speak your own language to another Asian, although these Asians might not be Asian of your own type, like i got a "ni hao" ALL the freaking time. 

9. Somehow, at some stage of our life, we tend to take pictures with a peace sign. dont ask, cause i dont know why. 

10. You're so kiasu like. Apparently for some reasons, this kiasu behaviour slowly develops into each and every single Asian i know. its just one of those Asian things? LOL *example: long queue for a freebie*

Why ure trippin like that?    
Im an Asian myself, and you're damn right I am allowed to make a fool out of my Asian self.
So chill out now my fellow Asians.

Asian bitches be like *peace sign*

da da do da da do da da da da do
