There are friends who i grew up together with. These people have been there for me through thick and thin,for more than 15years now. Sports day, playing cupid, crazy outings, gossiping, shopping, u name it! Everything. I love them with all my heart. Although we're far away, its the thought that matter. Surprisingly, we all have different traits. Some of us are really naughty, some are really naive, some are really bonkers but then, we have that one same thing on being loud. No, i mean REALLY loud! Recently, thanks to whatsapp, the barrier looks smaller than ever. I woke up reading hundreds of unread messages due to the 8hours differences. Me, i replied when everyone else is sleeping, because basically its 2am back at home. I miss them a lot. I know they love me, although we never really say it out loud among us. But just in case if these girls dont know that by now "oi women!! I love u heaps!!!"
golden treasure
Then i have friends who i met during my uni time, which was around 10years ago. Although i dont really talk to them as much these days, i will forever cherish those wonderful days i had with them. Those saving my ass moments, those fighting moments, those crazy moments. I love these girls to bits too.
ten years!
Then i have friends who are good friends. I have few of these people in my list. I have few back at home, which i will definitely makes some times to meet them once i go home. I hope they know who they are, because i really adore these people. Also i have friends who i got to know when i am here in London. Again, these people should know who they are too. Without them, think my life here will be an absolute waste. Thank you for being there for me.
london sweetheart

Then i have friends who come and go as they like, for many reasons. Amongst other include i am not important enough anymore, i am not cool, i am not hip and the list goes on and on and on. But im not sorry, thats life. People will take advantage of u in every possible way, as much as they can. They can take everything they want, but they can never take me!
But of all that, when ure close to my heart, i will never do anything in anyway to hurt u. My words might sound harsh, my gestures might suggest the other way around but i mean no harm. So forgive me dear friend if i ever said or did something that might hurt u intentionally or not. I will cherish you, but if u walk away like any others, just because i lost that spot in ur heart, then dont worry about me. Because perhaps, u deserve a better friends than i am.
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