Saturday, 23 June 2012

Go Green!

Haven't been writing ages i think. Pardon me. Been busy with life. Well maybe not as busy as yours i can see, but i still have a life you know. I got exams, got lotsa errands to settle and craps in life that makes life...a life! Havent been out as much, except few crazy night outs and a super awesome avicii concert. Other than that, life is pretty much, well like i said!

Exams sucks if youre wondering, and night outs were smashing, if you wanna know. So starting last week, umpy and i, we start eating healthy food. We need to lose some fat..well fine! We need to slim down cause we are fat. Ok, i AM FAT! Happy? So i've been cooking all these so-called healthy food. Havent seen much green and colourful stock in my fridge, until last Monday. Well, being a Malaysian, greasy, oily and fattening food is like the way of life. Everything have to be fried and greasy. So when we talk about healthy food, its nothing of that sort, or is there? Oh whatever! Instead i start boiling whole lots of "green stuff" and slowly fry some lean meat with very little oil.

First two days were fine, coming into the third day, both of us start telling ourselves, that this should be the dinner, not just a dinner. Thinking to dump it and start eating those fat food again, but we made a pact, that at home, we should go healthy, and what happen at home, stays at home..and it did! Ha ha. Mind you, there's no giving up just yet, but we'll see for how long. Thing is, i dont know how to make healthy foods taste nice and eat-able by a human being!

Second week next week, so i shall update all you virtually imaginary readers. I want to write more, but the laptop forbid me to do so. Need to upgrade "it" (as i dont know what to update really). As for now, have a good weekends.

Colourful and Green

Remember, GO GREEN!


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