I aint gonna lie, its not easy to be happy, BUT also at the same time, its so damn easy to be happy. the trick? your feelings are your choice! you either want to be happy, or you don't! simple.
how I choose to be happy?
10. I love staying at home when I feel like staying at home. it makes me happy doing nothing. at some point, i do get bored, but happily bored. Bullshits about go out try living for once, and be happy are proper bullshits. If I don't feel like going out, then I will not. Call me boring or whateva, cause I simply don't give a fuck!
9. I complaint a lot, cause that's just life. if I bottle it up, it will explode, now we don't want that do we? let go whatever feelings you have inside of you. you'll feel more at ease.
8. be nice when you have to, and don't even try to be one when the other party is not. see, I don't do "play nice and people will play nice to you too". bullshit! if you're annoying, then you're annoying. its up to me whether I like you or not, you cant make me like you, like I cant make you like me!!
7. gossiping! well, you don't gossip alone don't you? gossiping means chill out with your close friends. do I feel happy bitching about someone else? tell me who doesn't? but what I don't do is to keep it as a secret, cause my memory space is worth more than some stupid gossips. sometimes, friends drifted apart but thats life. sometimes, friends dumped you but its ok. sometimes, friends forget that you need them like you've been there for them, but fuck it. when it comes to friends, be the bigger person, forget it and move on.
6. giving people the satisfaction they "desire". especially people who are a bit of a pain in the ass. I will not be raining on your parade mate, but damn you're just so full of yourself it makes me loath you and at the same time, happy watching you glutted with your "desired" satisfaction.
5. talking to my loved ones. I live so far away from my family, and currently, so is my umpy. daily dose of talking to umpy makes me happy. we still fight, especially at the thought of our uncertainties. its easy to go out and find a man, but its not easy to find a man who can make you laugh, and cry at the same time. 8 hours difference means I can only talk to my family over the weekend, but its ok, its the sacrifices that I've made because of my own choice.
4. love what you do. I love my job (there's a significant different between my job and my EMPLOYER) regardless. I love playing dress up, I am no fashion student or designer or fashion expert, but I love my wardrobe. I love my music and I love rock n roll, I dance to it at times, like in the morning while getting ready to go to work, or over the weekend while cleaning up. I can feel the happiness in myself when I actually enjoying doing these things.

3. learn to love yourself. I am not perfect. but if I don't love myself, who will. if they don't love you, they're at lost, not you. I can wear 5 inches of foundation to cover up my pimples, and go to the gym to be skinny, but I don't want to. I was born with a problematic skin, and as long as I'm healthy, I don't think I want to waste even 5 secs of my life trying to impress people, let alone hours of make up and gym time. don't get me wrong, I'm not against those promoting healthy lifestyle by going to the gym, I respect you lot for that, but in all honesty, I don't even think about going anywhere but home after 8 fucking working hours. and waking up 2 hours early to get ready in the morning, 30 minutes shower and 1.5 hours to do make up, I love sleeping too much, so I have to passed on that thought!

2. its so cliché but its true, be yourself. I mostly don't care what people think about me. cause if I am good at what I do, or if I am good at being who I am, I don't think people will complaint. its common sense. but if they still cant accept me, too bad, cause in all honesty, I really don't give a fuck.
1. seriously...JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT and be happy about it! Just do it. I saw this one blog, and she said this, and I was like "hell yeah man!". Just do whatever fuck that you want, well as long as you know your boundaries. But the "I wanna wear shorts", but then you're wearing a hijab, like WTF are you thinking? made your mind up! You can wear either or, not both you idiots!! even if its still "i do what i want" thingy, but this is pure stupidity. ure inviting people to judge you, and then complaint! are you THAT stupid? here's the right way to say it "JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT AND BE SMART ABOUT IT".
there's no secret in how to be happy. its a choice. you either want to be happy or you want to be miserable. there's time when I do feel sad, but i pick myself up and move on. cause life doesn't wait for you. happiness doesn't come to you. especially when you're thousand miles away from home, life can be tough. but its my choice. and with that choice, i choose to be happy!
true that!