Sunday, 29 April 2012

Boys will always be boys

Things that make a man take a second peek

-when u r wearing a very low cut dress i.e. showing your cleavage off

-when u r wearing a very skimpy dress i.e. very short skirts

-when u r a pint size and clothes u put on is revealing because of your size i.e. men are good with imagination

-when u r wearing few inches of stunning make up i.e. God knows whats behind it

-when u smells so good i.e. a bottle of perfume for your body syampoo

-when ur hair bounce when u walk i.e. a friend told me to "make" it bounce indeed

-when u talk out loud with eyes taking a cheeky sneek peak at him i.e. attention seeking

-when u stare at him from afar in the sea of people i.e. at a concert, u either gave them that sexy stare or that sensational stare, i'd go for the latter

The best second peek after the first peek a man will ever give you is when he smells confidence, fun and conservatively sexy in the air! The latter will always compromise the first peek, and mind u, nothing's wrong with all those reasons for the first peek.

I am not an expert, but those ladies and gents, are based on experience.

But hey, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do!


Thursday, 26 April 2012

"That time" of the month

This week has been weird, for all the wrong reasons. I am on "that time" of the month. My mood swing was crazy. Its so crazy that i don't think i've ever experienced such craziness before. The only good thing that is happening this week is my pursue to start running, which i eventually did. My Sunday's mood was so bad that when i come to think about it, i dont know how Umpy survive that day itself. It started to hit me hard when Manchester United drew after a comfortable 4-2. Umpy, being Umpy, start to fuel up the whole ugly situation that turned me into some monster that i never knew exist inside of me. Since then, everything seems wrong. I got so fed-up really easily. That day, Umpy was being so patient. Everything he said or done, looks horrible to me. My mood was all over the place. I responded everything in either "hmm", "don't know" or "no". Everything is a big deal, from cooking to programmes on the telly.

Then i asked him that night, "Am i being such a dickhead when i'm on my P-Day? Am i horrible? Do u notice those mood changing?", to which he replied "Yes!". Asked him how he took it, he said "its best to let u be!", and i cant agree more. Its always best to let me be, and i all the time choose to not do things that can provoke me to become more aggresive than i already are. Any questions that he asked, if my answers start with "hmm", he'll leave me to it.

Come to think about it, i dont know how will i react if its a menopause. That would be scary to think about, let alone to imagine me becoming that super ugly and nasty monster. Gosh, this 30's hormones do not bring me any good. Why cant the hormone stays the way they were, and not change as we age? I hate me in this position. Everything is so wrong, even the cashier girl at McDonald's get the stick! So, I ordered a large meal with water, not coke, and Umpy ordered a quarter pounder and a medium coke. I was fuming when the girl placed the order on the tray. She put a medium coke on the tray, and me being horrible, "slightly" raised my voice and said "i ordered a large meal, why is it im getting a medium coke?". The girl was so nice and polite, quickly said sorry and change the medium coke, to a large one. Once i sat down, i remember that i actually ordered a large meal with water, and that medium coke was for Umpy. This "dissatisfaction" situation between me and people behind the counter's at those fast food restaurants took place way too many times actually. But, Umpy never said a word when i did, because when i do, its always best to let me be.

Well, sometimes, some of these people are not even at their best when they're serving their customers. You are working with people, in a fucking fast food restaurant. Why the fuck are you giving us that fucking ugly face? Its your job to smile and serve people. Yes, you have your bad days, isnt everyone of us got one too? Gheez! No one asked you to work there if you cant hide that ugly face for the sake of your fucking rent? There's this one time that i actually got really angry with one KFC staff that i shouted at her face "you're not even listening to the order. go home if you dont wanna work for fuck sake. get the fucking order properly!". Well quite honestly, thats a bit harsh, but she's not even listening to the order and then asked us to repeat the order in the rudest way ever! Well, fuck you for being rude, i'll be extra rude if thats how u choose to play it!

So next time of the month, i am hoping i'll be able to control my mood and that my hormones will be nice to me and Umpy! Thanks Umpy for being my punching bag. I am such a dueche bag, damn!!


Monday, 23 April 2012

She's getting married

Shes taken!

There's a twist of emotion inside of me, sad but yet so happy for her. I left her four years ago, and now four years down the line, everything we did together was for the last time

 -The last time i met her shes still reluctant to go anywhere on her own

-The last time i met her shes still sleeping beside me on the same bed

-The last time i met her she still doesnt mind doing the laundry for me

-The last time i met her she still act like she's the elder sister and not me

-The last time i met her i still gotta give way to meet her needs

-The last party i went to with her will be the ones that shes being that big sister instead of me

-The last time i met her we still discuss whether or not to shop for something that either of us will ever get that chance to wear it

-The last time i met her she still have that mood where no one will ever understand her but herself and now its time to pass the baton to the husband

-The last time i met her, she still that girl whos in need of security and protection, and now that she got one, i am hoping that he treat her right and that he knows how precious and fragile she is.

One thing that will never change is that, she will still be my bestfriend, and she will always be!

Shes the only person that i trust the most and will be the only person that ive ever trust.

I hope he will treat you right. I hope he will love you like we all do. I hope he will appreciate you. I hope he knows that he is the luckiest man alive.

I love u hermana. Remember, i will still be here and will always be here, anytime and everytime when u need me.

Love always,
Ur big sister

Thursday, 19 April 2012


i am the simplest human being you'll ever meet. my answers are either YES or NO, and usually, there's rarely reason behind it. its a NO because i dont feel like it, its a YES because i want it. and because of that, its pretty difficult and at the same time, pretty easy to pleased me! the way i live my life, the way i see my life's going is basically quite straight forward, with a very strong passion! for me, whats important in life is passion.

still, there's people out there who find it difficult to understand me! quiet honestly, its not. because although everything happen for a reason, something are better off spontaneous. well thats me, when i speak, its straight to the point, and most of the time, i dont get it wrong, because opinions are never wrong, its how people took it. unfortunately, not everything u said is spot on, because different people took things differently. the fact that ure entitle to ur own opinion, so does everyone else! the world works that way, its called the world law.

i am simple!

well, self explaination is always annoying i know, and mine doesnt makes any different whatsoever. my point is that i am simple, life is simple really! a friend always tell me that i am "what u see is what u get". well that's my friend, FUCKING SPOT ON!


Saturday, 7 April 2012

love me or judge me

havent been blogging for almost 2 weeks now. life have been busy. it actually have been great, despite hiccups here and there. little hiccups, big hiccups, its life! u either face it or be a fucking p***y. work is ok and then shit, and then ok, and then shit, and it goes on and on and on. been playing hard too, weeks in, weeks out, had girly nights with them girls, paint the town red or blue or any colours u name it. basically, its fair to say that my life at the moment, is fairly in balance.

then last night came. i've always have this "provoking" attitude in me when i got involve in arguments. it gotten worse when the argument involves around people that i love. dont get me wrong, i love my brother, but when we fight, my strongest department would be provoking. i provoke him so bad that at some points, i got really dissapointed at myself having done so, but its too late. but i feel like thats me at my best trying to win some points, PROVOKE! papa always told me to stop provoking him when we fight. but with me, if u accidentally push that provoke button, u will get it through and through.

and then, the best department i am at, unfortunately resulted in me being aggresive too. i provoke, and then they responded, and then they got aggresive and i will too. i will not tell you a fairy tale stories, neither will i put myself in a position that could jeopardize my dignity. i will not let it go without fighting, physically or mentally. i am a fighter and i will do what it takes. people will judge me, they will, like they judge u. the only difference, could be probably u care, but i dont give a fuck care about them. i take the risk, so i will bear it myself. i will probably need your shoulder to cry on, or ears, but if u cant give that to me, its not the end of the world. although u will not bear the pain, like ure willing to share the happiness with me, but i am fine with it really.

either ure a man or a woman, if i cant take whatever bullshit ure giving me, i will retaliate, regardless. but i know my strength, i will not fight a man with a gun, or a woman with a mental problem, although most of the times, i will try to make sure that i will not bring myself as low as they are, but sometimes in life, u just have to stand up for urself, and thats what i do(did). i have to made it clear, i just gotta make myself heard, and thats what i exactly did. by hook or by crook, thats my way of doing it, maybe urs is different! believe me i do hit myself hard so that i woke up to reality and realize that its not good for me, that it could turn out worst, but when u trust ur heart,u can never go wrong! at least if u do, ure taking a risk, and u know how it feels like. ive been in even worst situation than this, but if i push the panic button, i will go down the drain like everyone else, and why wud i wanna do that?

this sounds ridicolous, but its a self explaination really. i need to tell myself that its ok. i need to tell myself that i am being me. i need to tell myself that they care about me, but i need to tell myself too, that if they do care about me, they will get my back! they will be there for me regardless, because thats what they should be doing. i dont ask for much, but all im asking for is their support and that they'd be happy for me. is that too much?
