Sunday, 21 October 2012

Lady's bucket list

Since I am 13 going on 30, i figure out maybe its 'that' time to have my own bucket list, and since I'm turning 30 in a month or so, maybe I should list 30 things to do before i die. Well, its for fun, and at least it could help motivates me to strive harder. So let's see what i have in my crazy mind ay?

1. Sky diving

adrenaline rush

2. Bungee jumping

3. Learn how to swim (umpy promised to teach me)

4. Bring my parents to Haj

5. Buy my own property in the UK and Malaysia

6. Live and work in NYC

NYC baby

7. Test drive a Ferrari (no, i don't wanna own one!)

8. Witnessing a perfect sunset and sunrise

9. Buy my parents a property

10. Bring my parents on a shopping sphere

11. Marry my Umpy

12. Get on a rollercoaster (those really crazy ones)

13. Go to all seven wonders in the world

Machu Picchu

14. Be part of Celebrity Juice (LOL)

15. To go out and wear high heels the whole day (i don't wear high heels, so its a challenge if i do!)

16. To go on a shopping sphere at Topshop, and then its close to the public cause I'm doing my shopping..ALONE!

17. To sit beside the pilot in an Airbus A380's cockpit

18. Climb Mount Everest (should start with Kilimanjaro first u reckon?)

19. Learn how to play a guitar and a bass

20. Learn how to play drums

21. Donate to Charity (i know, but i am talking about 5 figures)

22. Splash my money on SIA's First Class (not them normal ones)

23. Have my own empire (could be anything from stalls, to shops perhaps companies)

24. Visit the fishing village at Cinque Terre,Liguria


25. Go roller-disco in 70s outfit

26. I want to try and memorized the whole al-Quran

27. Honeymoon on the space

28. A visit to Antartica

29. Backpacking around the world

30. To die peacefully as a good and obedient Muslim

That's a long list, and if I can just challenge myself to do all those, I'll be the happiest girl alive. I say "Get in there son!!!"



  1. haha. surprise surprise! =P even got our (me and my siblings) own coach when we were younger. dont know what happen =/

  2. Hi, came across your blog and what nice 30 goals! Gotta think of mine before I hit 30 too.. Have fun with them! :)

    Best, Ray

    adream - (iPhone app)
