Its white and its cold! Its snowing. This time, it stays for a good few days. I still remember my first snow. I am Asian, a Malaysian, so forgive my excitement over snow cause we only have monsoon 356days a year, 24/7. The first snow was the best experience ever. I was sick, both homesick and sickness sick. It was white all over. Then I called home, I told papa its snowing outside. I still remember every single word he told me "Don't go jumping outside in the snow, you're having a cold. Just stay in!", but boy did i listen...NOT! Ha ha. Sorry pops. First thing in the morning, woke up, put on a thick layer of clothes, jump into the snow. Well, not literally INTO the snow, but you got what i mean. It was fun fun fun!
Years passed by, then its snowing every year ever since. This year, I am alone. Umpy was always there all those years, listening to me went "Umpy! Umpy! Wake up! Wake up! Its snowing!". Well, I know he's not as excited as I am, as he's seen the snow his whole life, but he's excited for me. This year he's not around, but when we talked on the phone, he still asked "Is it snowing? It is all white? Are you excited?". Old lady like me got excited because of snow, not funny, I'm Asian! (stop being racist now! ha ha).

White backyard

White park
But like everything else, something good will always end, either on a high or low note. This year, paths are all readily gritted, snow is melting fast, not allowing it to froze and becoming ice. Well some paths with less people, still very slippery that i actually have to look down while walking. The thought of slipping is a nightmare! Leave me bruises before.
But baby..DAMN its FREEZING outside..
Love Zooey Deschanel
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