so, here's the deal. its the LISTEN video that went viral i dont know when, but i finally watched it last night cause i dont wanna waste my money on the electric. it make sense cause i am watching it on my iPad, in the dark. so i save few pennies there. dont know why am i telling u this cause its not the point. ha ha.
i've watched like 2 mins out of that 5 mins or wteva mins the video is, cause i've seen enough. Like all of you, i too have my own takes on the issue:
1. You're a student, so be one! Just concentrate on studying, and when you're ready and fully prepared to take on the world, with concrete knowledge, and valid facts in your smart brain, the world will LISTEN. But until then, be a student.
2. Just because you're a speaker, and you probably have more experience in life, doesnt makes it ok for you to bring the student down and brag about your qualifications. Well, thats why she's there on the first place, to get that qualification and perhaps brag it like you did if she wants to later in life.
(Conclusion to both points is that both are just as arrogant as one another.)
3. Then i read comments posted on the video. Wow, there's so many meany bias comments from those not qualified, part qualified or fully qualified people in there. But distinctions between these are so wide that you can see everyone are taking sides, which for me is unfair. If you want to comment, be neutral. Based on my observations i.e. based on those commentators' name, most non-Malays will agree with the student, and most Malays will agree with the speaker, which in my opinion, both have strong and weak facts during the debate.
4. Everybody has their own opinion on things in life, but some prove the points, while others are just bullshit-ing! I am not here to say I am smart, so LISTEN to me, but when you want to say something, think! Or these days, people will say GOOGLE it first. Support your opinions, be strong about it, present a concrete facts.
I, for once, will not be standing there making a fool out of myself especially when i dont have anything to support my point. I was a student once, but with such "reputations", i dont think no one will ever takes whatever thought i have seriously, but i dont blame them. Ha ha. So i did what i was told to do as a STUDENT, to study and have fun.
I am not posting this blog to explain issues debated in the video, cause i aint got that much of a knowledge myself, but i am posting this because of such body language and the arrogance level between the two are just an embarrassment to the community. Plus, some idiotics who take sides really need some kicks in the ass, and a slap in the head..really hard ones!
A wise man once told me this,
"There will be discriminations in every country in any part of the world, but those discriminations which support locals and the indigenes are called Positive Discriminations".
p/s: its snowing outside. Should i make a snow angel you reckon?
not mine this, but it will be something like this..
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