Thursday, 27 June 2013

things that turn me off (and other woman too?)

this is MY DEAL matter how rich or how smart or how good looking the lad is, if he's as fucked as a slapper..or one of these, he can say goodbye already!

1. Everything smelly
- smelly feet, smelly armpits, smelly breath, smelly clothes..everything smelly. dis-fucking-gusting! feet spray, deodorant, chewing gum, perfume..have u heard any of these before mate? NO? u lying twat. well someone will come to me and say "i love the smell of my men's sweat" bla bla bla, then let me tell u this..not everyone is as LUCKY as you are!

2. Messy room
- messy room or messy house turn me off big time. dirty and a mess, takeaways every where, not a sight of empty bins, dirty laundry and mountain of unwashed dishes, dirty bathrooms..yucks!

3. Big-talker
- if its bigger than your dick, then u better shut the fuck up! no matter how good looking you are, once a douchebag, always a douchebag. ure a big NO NO..

4. Horrible sense of style
- how a man dress will caught my eyes FIRST! but ya better watch out, some men of these types, are usually full of themselves, but its better than wearing a hoodie on a date..right? but also, these type of men means they're making an effort, which indirectly mean they're not one of those lazy bunch!

5. Men who gossip
- "ladies", lets just leave this to us girls ok? NOT COOL! in my opinion, u can gossip all u want BUT do it with ur girl. because to do so with ur mates are just horrendous. seriously, men who gossip need to get a life!

6. Rude boy
- i aint no Rihanna, so i hate boys who show no respect to others especially to the elderly and women in general. for me, it goes down to even the smallest thing like giving ur seats to those in needs.

7. Men who refuse to pay
- u have got to be kidding me! oh no, dont u dare come to me and talk about equality. split the bill is fine, but to not even volunteer to pay the bill is a big turn off for me. whats worse, to let the girl pay the bill for you? u need to grow some balls dude..bigger ones than u already have!

8. Men who "pretend" to act cool
- compose and "pretend" to act cool are two different things. in short, just be yourself! if she likes you, she'll like all of you really..even if ure a dickhead (that poor girl).

9. Serious men
- this type of men should not even allow to walk on the street of life! its called life for a reason. i cannot stand serious men. yes, sometimes u have to be one, but to be like that 24/, ur life must been sucks hard!

10. Trying to be funny
- not funny! This gets me on my nerves, especially when ure trying to be funny at the expense of others. gheez, ure pathetic. if ure not funny, then ure not! im pretty sure there's something about u that exciting rather than trying to be funny and then fail..

yours might be different. some of you might put not rich enough or not educated enough as your deal breaker. well my advice to u honey, go home and kill urself!

deal breaker


Sunday, 16 June 2013

break-up shit bla bla bla

too many movies, too many dramas on the telly these days. in this case, im talking about movies and dramas with break-ups. some of them make breaking up looks fairly easy, while others making it look horrible! reality? well, some of them handle it rightly, while others just drown away and away and gone. 

i dont believe in break-ups on the telly or movies in that matter. its bull-fucking-shit! breaking up is NOT EASY! moving on is NOT EASY. people around you just have to say shit like it will be ok, just try and be happy, in order to lift u up back again..and thats the truth! i am not trying to make it harder for it is already a hard situation for u, but its not easy. its not easy to move away, let alone to move on from something that uve been clinging on for so long. different movies will show u different ways of handling this crap situation. but none of them, really help, but YOURSELF! 

live your life. cry if you want. feel shit about yourself. locked urself out from the world. shut ur mind. do anything u want that YOU think will help make u feel better. i dont know. anything that YOU think will help u. breaking up is not easy. it will never be easy. once u give ur heart to someone, u may or may not get hurt, but ure literally "registering" urself for the "heartbreak club", thats if ure unlucky, but thats life. but then again, not every relationship will end up in tears and heartbreaks, because some are just as beautiful. 

break-up is shit. so what i do? i'll tell u..

1. go out and meet some friends
- believe me they will talk and talk and talk, ur body is there but not ur soul. but at least it makes u forget about the pain

2. cry all u want
- dont afraid to cry. its part of life. plus, the body doesnt need excessive water. lol

3. keep urself busy
- work work work. shop shop shop. read read read. or blog blog me *smile*

4. dont let people around u feel sorry for u
- i just dont see the need to ask for sympathy, i really dont. tell them whats up and thats it.

5. dont jump on the bandwagon
- do it ur way. help urself up. slowly but surely, ull get there. theres no short cut. theres no fast track to it. its part of that journey in love.

also, heres what u DONT do..

1. dont call him and beg
- call and talk, YES! call and beg, NO! there can be hundreds of millions of reasons why people break up, some are mutual, some are in the heat of time, some are just stupid. so by all means, call and talk about it if u must, but dont beg. have some dignity! it will work out if it meant to work out..

2. dont "eat" ur pain away
- some people tend to eat and eat and eat when they're sad. honey, ure supposed to get ready to hit the town again in that cute red sexy dress, not looking blotted like a drum!

3. dont give up on love
- God created us all in pairs. everyone was made for someone. so relax. if ure 30, ur man may still be in his mom's womb (i got it from some random quotes on facebook. LOL) 

4. rebound is not an option
- please dont do something that ull regret once uve sober up! its just not worth it. 

5. dont u dare blame urself..EVER
- this is the mother of all DONTs. dont u ever dare blame it on urself. dont even try go there. even if u went and come back again! well if ure a dickhead, u mustve known that u deserved it. but if ure not, then believe that things happened for a reason.

quite honestly, theres no right or wrong in handling a break up. its up to u how u handle it. take ur time and move away from it slowly, before u can move on. u cant force love..both falling in or out of it! its that part of human emotion that is so difficult to understand. but u have to learn to crawl, before u can walk. like u gotta have to learn to lose before u can love.

"you will not love, if you're afraid to fall"

lets hope one day we will meet again..


Saturday, 15 June 2013

its complicated

it is complicated indeed. ure young, ure confused, u want everything, u want nothing, u dont know, its just COMPLICATED!

1. i love him, but i like someone else - u twat!

2. i dont love him, i just feel sorry for him - oh is that so?

3. i like him..a little bit - A LITTLE BIT?

4. i just dont wanna be i say yes to him - how old are u..7?

5. i just want to be loved and wanted..i dont like him though - lets get u a mirror shall we?

6. hes my back-up plan - YOU ARE his back-up plan, how about that ay?

7. its all about sex ONLY - dont forget to wear condom!

8. hes rich, so i love his money..not him - mothafucka gold digga

9. hes just my accessories..u know? - oh no i DONT!

10. but he's willing to do anything and everything for me - i feel sorry for YOU, NOT HIM!

REALLY? get a grip and made ur mind up! either ure in it or u dont.

is this you shes singing about no?


Tube rant

Picture this, 9 in the morning and 630 in the evening, people are running all over the platform, rushing tryna get on the train to work and back home respectively. So we are all on the same boat, and have only one thing in mind, work and home. 

Because of these madness, i think TFL needs to run free classes for these IDIOTS, to learn their "tube manners"..

1. Get in line
- Fine! There is no bloody line, BUT be polite and stand at the back of the crowd if you see there are already people in front of u. Dont tryna be polite and say "excuse me", and then stand in front of the bunch and pretend like nothing happen. You know what, one of these days, someone REALLY mean will actually accidentally push you in front of the train because ur momma forgets to tell you how to be POLITE..with a capital P!

2. Let people get off the train FIRST
- I dont get this. First, ure standing right in front of the door, so there's no chance the train will leave you. Second, people are coming out, there's every chance that you'll get to board the train. Third, there's no way the train will leave the minute you get on the train. So be patience and let them people get off the train first before boarding. Unless if u board on the first few stops, there will be NO fucking WAY ull be getting any seats during these peak period anyway! So, go home and learn some manners please..

3. Those legs
- I really appreciate if you dont cross your legs when the train is JAM-PACKED! Fair enough u manage to get a seat, and now ure refusing to let people stand in front of you because ure tired of having those legs down? I hate these kind of people. If you see people coming in, tryna stand in front of you, and the fact that the train is full that they're gonna have to squeeze to get inside the carriage so that OTHER people will have the chance to go to work on time like you do, please put it down and be more considerate. In my opinion, these acts are just proper rude..inconsiderate and rude!

4. One last seat 
- One seat left, one woman come in from the left door, and one man from the right, both are rushing to get the seat. what do you think? yes, thank you! give the lady the bloody seat. have some balls and surrender the seat to her. its called being a gentleman. well, unless if ure a douchebag, which i witnessed loads these days, douchebags every-fucking-where, ull obviously dont give a fuck. PRICK!

5. Ignore the bip bip bip 
- "Please stand clear of the door" it meant exactly what it said, stand the fuck clear of the door. you know when u hear the bip bip bip, which means the door is closing, you practically "run forrest run", then make ur way INTO the train and walk inside the carriages..DO NOT STOP AT THE DOOR. Thinking u could probably be the last one who manages to get on the train...ure wrong bitch! There are probably two or three more who can get in, but since u bloody block the door, how the fuck are they gonna get in? RUN, JUMP, and WALK. NOT run, jump and stop!!

6. Extra baggage
- I love babies and kids, i do! I also love traveling and going holiday etc, but what i HATE is the extra baggage with the extra crowd. Every time when i have big bags with me, i will make sure i'll get the train during the off peak. why would i wanna squeeze myself and my bags among the crowd? and moms, dont blame people when u cant get into train. Just because ure with a pram doesnt make u special, because everyone is going somewhere too, and we lot, who are using the train at these peak hours HAVE NO CHOICE but to get on the train at that time, because "in case u dont know" work starts at 930am and finishes at 530pm. But u mommas and holiday goers, u have a choice that can make life easier for YOURSELF! travel during off peak period for ur own comfortableness i say..please?

7. Respect
- Just because im Asian, doesnt mean i have no rights to be respected. Just because im young (young? really? delusional bitch!), doesnt mean i have no rights to be respected. Ive seen lots of disrespectful people on the train. Thank God ive yet to come across some antique drunken acts so far, and i hope i never will. Pretend to be sleeping just because they dont want to give up their seats for those who are in need i.e. preggers, granny etc, are just utterly disgusting. Also, i know some of u are very kind trying to find a seat for the poor fella, but please do it in a polite way, not shouting and screaming like ure talking to a dog. Show some respect, especially when ure asking for a bloody favor for goodness sake.

I especially feel sorry for those innocent people who were racially abuse on the train by sound minded and yet VERY THICK people these days. Its scary most of the time. Just thinking about it make me sick. How can you judge someone by their appearances? How can you judge someone by the color of their skin? For all you know, they too pay their fare like all of us. For all we know, it could traumatize them for the rest of their life. I am hoping and praying this will never happen to me. I personally, dont know how to take it or handle it, if it does happen to me one day, but i am hoping it wont. 

These are like one of those things that are happening in our everyday life. Some people choose to ignore it, i choose to document it. After all, i am pretty sure these "complaints" make sense..dont you?

choo choo train

Saturday, 8 June 2013

ewww..that's disgusting!

but we all do it anyway. dont lie! we do, i KNOW we do. there's nothing wrong with it (IT IS wrong in a way!), its a normal reaction. its so normal we didnt even notice that we're do it thinking no one's watching..WRONG! someone's actually watching. especially, those who pretend to be looking away, or those who pretend that they're into the book they're reading whatnot. now, dont be fooled. LOL.

1. Eat expired food
- why do we always do it although we know it will do us no good. the food tastes yucky. worst, food poisoning! i once ate expired noodles. dont remember how it taste like, but i eat it anyway, cause thats what left in the fridge.

2. Drink expired milk
- i dont drink milk, but when i need it, and its there, although it passed the expiry date, but if it still smells like milk, i use it anyway. i remember umpy told me, if it still smells like milk, its all good. no food poisoning so far, so ive yet to learn my lesson. haa

3. Fart while walking
- oh dont you dare judge me! you do it too. admit it! u just have to passed the gas, and no one's walking behind u or in front of u, or around you. its a busy road, so its pretty noisy. no one's listening, no one's smelling. LOL

4. Picking ur nose
- nose booger ewww! ull do it thinking no one's watching, especially in public, when u feel like theres something in there, and u just need to get it out. pretending that ure playing with ur nose, but ure actually trying to get those boogers out! haa

5. Yanking ur pants in public
- unless ure Rafael Nadal, u dont wanna be doing it in public. especially u ladies! but like i said, if u have to get it out ur ass, ull do it fast and quick thinking no one will catch u doing it. wrong!

6. Sneeze and wipe it every where u can
- i hate these especially. i know its normal, but i always try to hold it in while im on the tube, especially in the public when its crowded. i personally think its disgusting. spreading germs is one thing, but wiping it anyway possible, is worse! again, thinking no one's care, well guess what, I DO! 

7. Stretching ur hands out just to smell ur armpits
- well dont! go to the toilet or sneak into the changing room or something. best advice, if u THINK ur armpits do smell, then dont lift ur hands up..AT ALL. case closed! gheeez

8. Eat foods off the plate
- WE ALL DO IT. u accidentally dropped it off the plate and on the table for a good few seconds, well fine! somehow, some people do take it to the next level. yeah you, who eat the food when it was dropped on the floor. thats DISGUSTING.

9. Men ONLY - repositioning ur balls..publicly
- dude..really? in public? r u some rapper or hip hop superstar or something? well then dont! thats just..i dont know, shameless?? well you, who did that and think its cool..and will say "we men do that all the time", i say not! i'll make sure umpy doesnt do that, if he did? i'll die! LOL

10. Blow your nose on the handkerchief and put it back in the pocket
- I really dont get this. Out of all these disgusting things that people do, i dont think i'll ever understand why are people doing this? u have ur disgusting green slimy mucus all over ur handkerchief, snuck it back into ur pocket, and RE-USE it again to blow more mucus and put it back in and over and over again..i dont bloody understand but..EWWWW!

These are among common disgusting things that we do as human beings. Its such a normal reactions. Nothing abnormal about this really. no, REALLY! I think we all agree on this..or are we not? oh PLEASE! LOL

you and me..we're common people! 


Sunday, 2 June 2013

misunderstood generation

well call me ancient, but there's something about this new-gen that i dont understand. its not that i refuse to understand, its just that i dont see the reason to. i am talking about these ridiculous trends out there that i just dont get! too many of them..

1. Fake nails
- those long ugly colorful nails. there are a lot of nail polish out there. Some of them are pretty and quite cheap too. those ugly fake nails are just absurd in so many levels.

2. High heels
- oh my, those 4 inches heels. how they manage to walk in those shoes, amazes me! i spoke about how i hate heels in my blog before, but 4 inches? well let me tell u girl, if ure short, then ure short, deal with it! I AM!

3. Fake tan
- tan is one thing, but orange? orange is like a new different level of tan. wow girl! not matter how black, how white, how brown or how pale you are, ure pretty the way you are! i aint lying girl, but this is the whole truth.

4. Hair extensions
- made ur mind up bitch! if u love ur hair long, dont cut it short, if u like it short, dont bloody chop it off. its no rocket science this.

5.  Fake accent
- right! i have a bloody funny accent, trust me on this. i am a frigging Malaysian living in the UK. u got all these mixed up accents, and people was like ure from here and there and everywhere. but to fake an accent just to sound British or American, not cool!

6. Fashion faux pas
- kids, u wear sunglasses when the sun is out, and not when its raining heavily outside, u wear hoodies when its cold, not when its scorching hot, u wear high knee boots because its cold, not in Malaysia for goodness sake. common sense? some people just dont get it..

7. Fake eyelashes
- is it not hurt putting it on? well i dont know, cause i never wear one, and probably never will. but it looks like it, so is it?

8. Big shoes
- why do girls love wearing big shoes? ive seen lots of girls wearing humongous shoes. every time when they walk, it looks like those shoes are gonna fly all over the place. shoes was meant to make ur feet feel comfortable when u walk in them. thats the philosophy..or is not now? im confused!

9. Low pants
- dude! whats up with ur pants? aint got no belt? oh man, ur ugly boxer, i dont need that. well, dont mind about the boxer, but that ugly hairy ass? im blind for life! yucks.

10. Meaningless selfie
- how about those selfie ay? honey, we dont need to know how u looks like when u wake up in the morning really! who r u? some celebs wannabe? quite honestly, i dont care how the celebs looks like if me myself alone looks horrendous in the morning. u got what i mean?

well, maybe im confused. wow reality bites! because it means one thing, that i am ancient, my place is in the museum already. LOL. 

please kids, stop being misunderstood. its not cool..AT ALL! just be yourself, and i promise u, ull be alrite. U WILL BE ALRIGHT!

the kids are alright..i hope!
