Saturday, 8 June 2013

ewww..that's disgusting!

but we all do it anyway. dont lie! we do, i KNOW we do. there's nothing wrong with it (IT IS wrong in a way!), its a normal reaction. its so normal we didnt even notice that we're do it thinking no one's watching..WRONG! someone's actually watching. especially, those who pretend to be looking away, or those who pretend that they're into the book they're reading whatnot. now, dont be fooled. LOL.

1. Eat expired food
- why do we always do it although we know it will do us no good. the food tastes yucky. worst, food poisoning! i once ate expired noodles. dont remember how it taste like, but i eat it anyway, cause thats what left in the fridge.

2. Drink expired milk
- i dont drink milk, but when i need it, and its there, although it passed the expiry date, but if it still smells like milk, i use it anyway. i remember umpy told me, if it still smells like milk, its all good. no food poisoning so far, so ive yet to learn my lesson. haa

3. Fart while walking
- oh dont you dare judge me! you do it too. admit it! u just have to passed the gas, and no one's walking behind u or in front of u, or around you. its a busy road, so its pretty noisy. no one's listening, no one's smelling. LOL

4. Picking ur nose
- nose booger ewww! ull do it thinking no one's watching, especially in public, when u feel like theres something in there, and u just need to get it out. pretending that ure playing with ur nose, but ure actually trying to get those boogers out! haa

5. Yanking ur pants in public
- unless ure Rafael Nadal, u dont wanna be doing it in public. especially u ladies! but like i said, if u have to get it out ur ass, ull do it fast and quick thinking no one will catch u doing it. wrong!

6. Sneeze and wipe it every where u can
- i hate these especially. i know its normal, but i always try to hold it in while im on the tube, especially in the public when its crowded. i personally think its disgusting. spreading germs is one thing, but wiping it anyway possible, is worse! again, thinking no one's care, well guess what, I DO! 

7. Stretching ur hands out just to smell ur armpits
- well dont! go to the toilet or sneak into the changing room or something. best advice, if u THINK ur armpits do smell, then dont lift ur hands up..AT ALL. case closed! gheeez

8. Eat foods off the plate
- WE ALL DO IT. u accidentally dropped it off the plate and on the table for a good few seconds, well fine! somehow, some people do take it to the next level. yeah you, who eat the food when it was dropped on the floor. thats DISGUSTING.

9. Men ONLY - repositioning ur balls..publicly
- dude..really? in public? r u some rapper or hip hop superstar or something? well then dont! thats just..i dont know, shameless?? well you, who did that and think its cool..and will say "we men do that all the time", i say not! i'll make sure umpy doesnt do that, if he did? i'll die! LOL

10. Blow your nose on the handkerchief and put it back in the pocket
- I really dont get this. Out of all these disgusting things that people do, i dont think i'll ever understand why are people doing this? u have ur disgusting green slimy mucus all over ur handkerchief, snuck it back into ur pocket, and RE-USE it again to blow more mucus and put it back in and over and over again..i dont bloody understand but..EWWWW!

These are among common disgusting things that we do as human beings. Its such a normal reactions. Nothing abnormal about this really. no, REALLY! I think we all agree on this..or are we not? oh PLEASE! LOL

you and me..we're common people! 


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