Sunday, 16 June 2013

break-up shit bla bla bla

too many movies, too many dramas on the telly these days. in this case, im talking about movies and dramas with break-ups. some of them make breaking up looks fairly easy, while others making it look horrible! reality? well, some of them handle it rightly, while others just drown away and away and gone. 

i dont believe in break-ups on the telly or movies in that matter. its bull-fucking-shit! breaking up is NOT EASY! moving on is NOT EASY. people around you just have to say shit like it will be ok, just try and be happy, in order to lift u up back again..and thats the truth! i am not trying to make it harder for it is already a hard situation for u, but its not easy. its not easy to move away, let alone to move on from something that uve been clinging on for so long. different movies will show u different ways of handling this crap situation. but none of them, really help, but YOURSELF! 

live your life. cry if you want. feel shit about yourself. locked urself out from the world. shut ur mind. do anything u want that YOU think will help make u feel better. i dont know. anything that YOU think will help u. breaking up is not easy. it will never be easy. once u give ur heart to someone, u may or may not get hurt, but ure literally "registering" urself for the "heartbreak club", thats if ure unlucky, but thats life. but then again, not every relationship will end up in tears and heartbreaks, because some are just as beautiful. 

break-up is shit. so what i do? i'll tell u..

1. go out and meet some friends
- believe me they will talk and talk and talk, ur body is there but not ur soul. but at least it makes u forget about the pain

2. cry all u want
- dont afraid to cry. its part of life. plus, the body doesnt need excessive water. lol

3. keep urself busy
- work work work. shop shop shop. read read read. or blog blog me *smile*

4. dont let people around u feel sorry for u
- i just dont see the need to ask for sympathy, i really dont. tell them whats up and thats it.

5. dont jump on the bandwagon
- do it ur way. help urself up. slowly but surely, ull get there. theres no short cut. theres no fast track to it. its part of that journey in love.

also, heres what u DONT do..

1. dont call him and beg
- call and talk, YES! call and beg, NO! there can be hundreds of millions of reasons why people break up, some are mutual, some are in the heat of time, some are just stupid. so by all means, call and talk about it if u must, but dont beg. have some dignity! it will work out if it meant to work out..

2. dont "eat" ur pain away
- some people tend to eat and eat and eat when they're sad. honey, ure supposed to get ready to hit the town again in that cute red sexy dress, not looking blotted like a drum!

3. dont give up on love
- God created us all in pairs. everyone was made for someone. so relax. if ure 30, ur man may still be in his mom's womb (i got it from some random quotes on facebook. LOL) 

4. rebound is not an option
- please dont do something that ull regret once uve sober up! its just not worth it. 

5. dont u dare blame urself..EVER
- this is the mother of all DONTs. dont u ever dare blame it on urself. dont even try go there. even if u went and come back again! well if ure a dickhead, u mustve known that u deserved it. but if ure not, then believe that things happened for a reason.

quite honestly, theres no right or wrong in handling a break up. its up to u how u handle it. take ur time and move away from it slowly, before u can move on. u cant force love..both falling in or out of it! its that part of human emotion that is so difficult to understand. but u have to learn to crawl, before u can walk. like u gotta have to learn to lose before u can love.

"you will not love, if you're afraid to fall"

lets hope one day we will meet again..


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