Saturday, 15 June 2013

Tube rant

Picture this, 9 in the morning and 630 in the evening, people are running all over the platform, rushing tryna get on the train to work and back home respectively. So we are all on the same boat, and have only one thing in mind, work and home. 

Because of these madness, i think TFL needs to run free classes for these IDIOTS, to learn their "tube manners"..

1. Get in line
- Fine! There is no bloody line, BUT be polite and stand at the back of the crowd if you see there are already people in front of u. Dont tryna be polite and say "excuse me", and then stand in front of the bunch and pretend like nothing happen. You know what, one of these days, someone REALLY mean will actually accidentally push you in front of the train because ur momma forgets to tell you how to be POLITE..with a capital P!

2. Let people get off the train FIRST
- I dont get this. First, ure standing right in front of the door, so there's no chance the train will leave you. Second, people are coming out, there's every chance that you'll get to board the train. Third, there's no way the train will leave the minute you get on the train. So be patience and let them people get off the train first before boarding. Unless if u board on the first few stops, there will be NO fucking WAY ull be getting any seats during these peak period anyway! So, go home and learn some manners please..

3. Those legs
- I really appreciate if you dont cross your legs when the train is JAM-PACKED! Fair enough u manage to get a seat, and now ure refusing to let people stand in front of you because ure tired of having those legs down? I hate these kind of people. If you see people coming in, tryna stand in front of you, and the fact that the train is full that they're gonna have to squeeze to get inside the carriage so that OTHER people will have the chance to go to work on time like you do, please put it down and be more considerate. In my opinion, these acts are just proper rude..inconsiderate and rude!

4. One last seat 
- One seat left, one woman come in from the left door, and one man from the right, both are rushing to get the seat. what do you think? yes, thank you! give the lady the bloody seat. have some balls and surrender the seat to her. its called being a gentleman. well, unless if ure a douchebag, which i witnessed loads these days, douchebags every-fucking-where, ull obviously dont give a fuck. PRICK!

5. Ignore the bip bip bip 
- "Please stand clear of the door" it meant exactly what it said, stand the fuck clear of the door. you know when u hear the bip bip bip, which means the door is closing, you practically "run forrest run", then make ur way INTO the train and walk inside the carriages..DO NOT STOP AT THE DOOR. Thinking u could probably be the last one who manages to get on the train...ure wrong bitch! There are probably two or three more who can get in, but since u bloody block the door, how the fuck are they gonna get in? RUN, JUMP, and WALK. NOT run, jump and stop!!

6. Extra baggage
- I love babies and kids, i do! I also love traveling and going holiday etc, but what i HATE is the extra baggage with the extra crowd. Every time when i have big bags with me, i will make sure i'll get the train during the off peak. why would i wanna squeeze myself and my bags among the crowd? and moms, dont blame people when u cant get into train. Just because ure with a pram doesnt make u special, because everyone is going somewhere too, and we lot, who are using the train at these peak hours HAVE NO CHOICE but to get on the train at that time, because "in case u dont know" work starts at 930am and finishes at 530pm. But u mommas and holiday goers, u have a choice that can make life easier for YOURSELF! travel during off peak period for ur own comfortableness i say..please?

7. Respect
- Just because im Asian, doesnt mean i have no rights to be respected. Just because im young (young? really? delusional bitch!), doesnt mean i have no rights to be respected. Ive seen lots of disrespectful people on the train. Thank God ive yet to come across some antique drunken acts so far, and i hope i never will. Pretend to be sleeping just because they dont want to give up their seats for those who are in need i.e. preggers, granny etc, are just utterly disgusting. Also, i know some of u are very kind trying to find a seat for the poor fella, but please do it in a polite way, not shouting and screaming like ure talking to a dog. Show some respect, especially when ure asking for a bloody favor for goodness sake.

I especially feel sorry for those innocent people who were racially abuse on the train by sound minded and yet VERY THICK people these days. Its scary most of the time. Just thinking about it make me sick. How can you judge someone by their appearances? How can you judge someone by the color of their skin? For all you know, they too pay their fare like all of us. For all we know, it could traumatize them for the rest of their life. I am hoping and praying this will never happen to me. I personally, dont know how to take it or handle it, if it does happen to me one day, but i am hoping it wont. 

These are like one of those things that are happening in our everyday life. Some people choose to ignore it, i choose to document it. After all, i am pretty sure these "complaints" make sense..dont you?

choo choo train

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