I'm a Malaysian, no matter where i am! and because i am, i am against "Bersih", one of the many opponents' campaign in order to bring the government down. i just don't see the need of doing so. we are living in a well-harmonized country. its so sad especially seeing the youth expressing their support to this. i understand, its personal preferences. But i strongly believe, half of the crowd in the rally, don't have a clue what's the rally all about but, Bersih!
what's sad is that, those people who claimed they're the biggest supporter of such campaign, were at home, either watching some news on the biggest rally after so long, or updating their facebook status, again claiming they strongly support the rally, when they're sitting still at home, while others are making a fool out of themselves by attending the rally with those oh-so-scary yellow shirts. so who's actually doing the rally? well, i believe the answer lies in each individual. and like those who vaguely voice out their support on the campaign, i don't see why an anti-Bersih like me, need to stop making my point?
as far as i'm concern, there's NO one country in the world, has a 100% population that fully supporting their government. why? its written in the blood, you will never be happy upon other people's success. u can do give and take between families, or lovers, or friends..but u can never have such a policy in a community. and they say, upon the campaign, people unite. we are not united enough before the campaign? then how the hell do we manage to enjoy the same concerts, went to the same events, study in the same universities? is that not united enough?
i remember one of the demand from the campaign is to stop corruption! who are you kidding? corruption is where we go way back. it's not there for no reason. its one of those thing in politics! such event brings bad name to Malaysia. its sad seeing those innocents who got dragged into such games and join the rally. its sad seeing those who were supposed to stand strong on their feet and keep holding on to their belief got raped with such powerful media and words that comes from some strangers mouth and made believe that they will give u something. something fresh, something new they said. me too, i need that bit of a fresh air. i hate politics, and i am not saying the Malaysian government is perfect, but a rally with an attempt to bring the government down, will only make things worse. a peaceful country might turn into a war nation, united races might fall apart.
power indeed is a very strong word that comes with a very heavy responsibilities, and so far there will always certain people who will not be satisfy with another leader (may it come and go), and believe me, this love/hate relationship will continue. but i say, that's the beauty of Malaysia. nothing is perfect, but we always hope for the best. but until the whole nation work together, and looked up to each other, no matter how many rallies held over the years, no matter how many demands made on a piece of paper, if we don't appreciate what we have, we will only lose one thing that is so precious. one thing and one thing only, out motherland, Malaysia.
what's sad is that, those people who claimed they're the biggest supporter of such campaign, were at home, either watching some news on the biggest rally after so long, or updating their facebook status, again claiming they strongly support the rally, when they're sitting still at home, while others are making a fool out of themselves by attending the rally with those oh-so-scary yellow shirts. so who's actually doing the rally? well, i believe the answer lies in each individual. and like those who vaguely voice out their support on the campaign, i don't see why an anti-Bersih like me, need to stop making my point?
as far as i'm concern, there's NO one country in the world, has a 100% population that fully supporting their government. why? its written in the blood, you will never be happy upon other people's success. u can do give and take between families, or lovers, or friends..but u can never have such a policy in a community. and they say, upon the campaign, people unite. we are not united enough before the campaign? then how the hell do we manage to enjoy the same concerts, went to the same events, study in the same universities? is that not united enough?
i remember one of the demand from the campaign is to stop corruption! who are you kidding? corruption is where we go way back. it's not there for no reason. its one of those thing in politics! such event brings bad name to Malaysia. its sad seeing those innocents who got dragged into such games and join the rally. its sad seeing those who were supposed to stand strong on their feet and keep holding on to their belief got raped with such powerful media and words that comes from some strangers mouth and made believe that they will give u something. something fresh, something new they said. me too, i need that bit of a fresh air. i hate politics, and i am not saying the Malaysian government is perfect, but a rally with an attempt to bring the government down, will only make things worse. a peaceful country might turn into a war nation, united races might fall apart.
power indeed is a very strong word that comes with a very heavy responsibilities, and so far there will always certain people who will not be satisfy with another leader (may it come and go), and believe me, this love/hate relationship will continue. but i say, that's the beauty of Malaysia. nothing is perfect, but we always hope for the best. but until the whole nation work together, and looked up to each other, no matter how many rallies held over the years, no matter how many demands made on a piece of paper, if we don't appreciate what we have, we will only lose one thing that is so precious. one thing and one thing only, out motherland, Malaysia.
KL in chaos
yiber / umpy
enjoying his lamb
umpy /me
the chef - xhevat
my monkey
no formality (messed)
ok, i don't mean to talk that much about the rally, but everyone has a right on their own opinion. and u just heard mine!
so, that was Saturday. yesterday, the weather managed to behave. a bit cloudy, but the sun did came out finally in the evening. and so whats the best way to enjoy it than to have a BBQ! my normal Sunday starts with a 7-2pm shift at the bakery. unlike other Sundays, yesterday was an exciting one. it was 4 of us, we never really had more than 5 for a BBQ, cause that's umpy's policy in having a BBQ. ha ha. so we had lambs and sausages for BBQ, salads and few drinks. got umpy climbed up the tree for another round of BBQ, danced to some songs and just a nice lay back day under the sun. and then, Domino's for dinner as we called it a day around 8pm as the stomach starts making noises already by 9pm.
so, that was Saturday. yesterday, the weather managed to behave. a bit cloudy, but the sun did came out finally in the evening. and so whats the best way to enjoy it than to have a BBQ! my normal Sunday starts with a 7-2pm shift at the bakery. unlike other Sundays, yesterday was an exciting one. it was 4 of us, we never really had more than 5 for a BBQ, cause that's umpy's policy in having a BBQ. ha ha. so we had lambs and sausages for BBQ, salads and few drinks. got umpy climbed up the tree for another round of BBQ, danced to some songs and just a nice lay back day under the sun. and then, Domino's for dinner as we called it a day around 8pm as the stomach starts making noises already by 9pm.
so Sunday ends on a high note. nice weather. lovely BBQ. enjoying the sun. and today, the normal chaotic week will resume starting with a web cam meeting with my supervisor tomorrow noon. i'll continue writing up my dissertation and hoping it will progress after tomorrow's meeting. its past midnite now. think im going to hit the sack soon. well, u lot have a good week ahead. til later then!
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