so last week was a little bit chaotic than weeks before. i am more occupied i would put it. last week was about was about was about charity, farewell and animals!
last week was when i over-used the words 'help', 'pass', 'lemme know' and 'please'. i was busy trying to find people to do me favors by passing my interview script to their superior for my dissertation purposes. its The Malaysian Evidence, and I'm not back at home. hence, i don't just need that favor from interviewees, but also to the messenger i.e. friends who are willing to help. but the respond was so poor and i now know that not everyone can help u willingly. but some really do help u in anyway that they could, and i thanked them for that. and that is not my case alone, as my friend who wanted to help me, now know the same thing like i do. i am human being myself, i can accept NO for an answer, let alone other negative answers. but the fact that they choose to ignore let alone to my reply to my follow-ups, are just beyond words. i know, i too sometimes failed to successfully help a friend or whoever, but at least i tell them and not leave them clueless. we are all not perfect, but i do sure we all have manners. unfortunately, some people choose to ignore the beauty of having good manners..FREE! God bless them..and up until now, I'm still struggling to get responds from other respondents. Fingers crossed something come around, i do believe they will.
after a whole week of asking favors and begging and all, its fun times with nice people and my umpy. the weekends kicked-off with a charity fashion show in Studio Valbonne, Soho. Was supporting a friend who worked behind the scene. The show can be fun but not without a fully prepared rehearsal. Its Fashion show and its in the name of charity, its should be fun. But, the only fun thing i have that night was spending some nice time with bunch of beautiful people. it was finally good having to turn my head away from disso for few days. the fashion show was OK, but the band was..hmm, annoying? and the belly dancers were the best performance of the night. they killed it. and then the burlesque, oh wow! that's all that i can say. u should at least respect her and then hate her guts for doing so when u look at her. i mean..seriously?! and the night ends high. despite the OK show, was good food and laughter for supper. and i missed the train home. got on 2 buses and got home at around 2am. but i would rate my night a good'ol 6 stars! wheeeee..
last week was when i over-used the words 'help', 'pass', 'lemme know' and 'please'. i was busy trying to find people to do me favors by passing my interview script to their superior for my dissertation purposes. its The Malaysian Evidence, and I'm not back at home. hence, i don't just need that favor from interviewees, but also to the messenger i.e. friends who are willing to help. but the respond was so poor and i now know that not everyone can help u willingly. but some really do help u in anyway that they could, and i thanked them for that. and that is not my case alone, as my friend who wanted to help me, now know the same thing like i do. i am human being myself, i can accept NO for an answer, let alone other negative answers. but the fact that they choose to ignore let alone to my reply to my follow-ups, are just beyond words. i know, i too sometimes failed to successfully help a friend or whoever, but at least i tell them and not leave them clueless. we are all not perfect, but i do sure we all have manners. unfortunately, some people choose to ignore the beauty of having good manners..FREE! God bless them..and up until now, I'm still struggling to get responds from other respondents. Fingers crossed something come around, i do believe they will.
after a whole week of asking favors and begging and all, its fun times with nice people and my umpy. the weekends kicked-off with a charity fashion show in Studio Valbonne, Soho. Was supporting a friend who worked behind the scene. The show can be fun but not without a fully prepared rehearsal. Its Fashion show and its in the name of charity, its should be fun. But, the only fun thing i have that night was spending some nice time with bunch of beautiful people. it was finally good having to turn my head away from disso for few days. the fashion show was OK, but the band was..hmm, annoying? and the belly dancers were the best performance of the night. they killed it. and then the burlesque, oh wow! that's all that i can say. u should at least respect her and then hate her guts for doing so when u look at her. i mean..seriously?! and the night ends high. despite the OK show, was good food and laughter for supper. and i missed the train home. got on 2 buses and got home at around 2am. but i would rate my night a good'ol 6 stars! wheeeee..

and then its Saturday. its farewell lunch day for Prince Syabil. we had lunch at his mom's restaurant, Puji Puji at Islington. the food was awesome. a bit pricey, but its worth paying for. i remember queuing up for the satay at Malaysian night months back and then failed to buy them. but when i finally tasted the satay last Saturday, i am not surprised why the queue was so long. it was delicious. so good i must say. i also had Assam Pedas, and it was very pedas (spicy) indeed, and also, so bloody tasty. Syabil's mom is a good cook alright. i knew Syabil for only 2 weeks, but it felt like i know this guy my whole life. He's the most diva-ish male i've ever known my life. Its a shame that we met too little too late. But i hope, the friendship remains and that he'll still remember me whenever we bumped into each other on the street one day. So Syabil left for Malaysia on Sunday, but i hope the friendship stays. take care big guy.
Its a trip to the zoo on Sunday. the weather was perfect for the occasion. the sun was up and bright. been planning on going to the zoo since the start of the summer. but knowing London weather, its always better to check the weather forecast everyday to make sure that it will be hot and it remains hot, and so it did. that day, i told umpy, its going to be hot but he refused to listen to me and instead wore a sweatshirt. and knowing umpy, the complaint starts pouring when the sun finally came out. proper sunshine i mean. but nevertheless, it was a good day at the zoo. was pulling umpy's leg every time we saw monkeys around. and little did i know, we're gonna bump into a monkey called "Diana Monkey". ha ha. guess who's having the last laugh?. yeah! umpy did. u can't afford to not enjoy the sun while it lasts, so we decided to stop at the pub to enjoy more sun. a drink or two and a nice Turkish BBQ. the day finally ends on a high note.
Its a trip to the zoo on Sunday. the weather was perfect for the occasion. the sun was up and bright. been planning on going to the zoo since the start of the summer. but knowing London weather, its always better to check the weather forecast everyday to make sure that it will be hot and it remains hot, and so it did. that day, i told umpy, its going to be hot but he refused to listen to me and instead wore a sweatshirt. and knowing umpy, the complaint starts pouring when the sun finally came out. proper sunshine i mean. but nevertheless, it was a good day at the zoo. was pulling umpy's leg every time we saw monkeys around. and little did i know, we're gonna bump into a monkey called "Diana Monkey". ha ha. guess who's having the last laugh?. yeah! umpy did. u can't afford to not enjoy the sun while it lasts, so we decided to stop at the pub to enjoy more sun. a drink or two and a nice Turkish BBQ. the day finally ends on a high note.

the weekends was uber awesome. it is now back to focusing on my disso. still waiting for some responds and feedback while completing my methodology part. hoping i can already start writing up my 'Result' section, but until now it seems impossible. i can't write anything until i got something. i am gonna have to wait a little bit longer with a little bit more patience, hoping someone will reply so that i can get over and done with both sections before mid of next week. well i had a good time, and I'm sure u do too. good nite!
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